Monday, April 17, 2023

ACS now available

Update August 17, 2023: New version is currently available for download here

As promised in the latest round of Technology Refreshes a new release of Access Client Solutions, ACS, is now available.

I install the update in two ways:

From ACS

Notice:  As of April 27 this method is still not working. Use the second method described below.

  • Open your ACS window
  • Select "Help" on the menu at the top of the window
  • Select "Check for updates" in the drop down menu

You will see the following window:

Click on the "Download update" button.

Notice:  After downloading the file, from IBM's website, perform these instructions.

You will be taken to an IBM web page where you will be asked to log in with your IBMid. If you do not have one there is a link to create one. Don't worry they are free.

On the next page, "Marketing Registration Services", you will be asked to agree with the license agreement, click the box to agree and then click the "I confirm" button.

The next page displayed is the one where you can download the install zip file. Find the one with the description "IBM i Access Client Solutions (". Click on the link to download it to your computer.

After the file has been downloaded you should extract/unzip it into its own folder.

Open the new folder, find the sub-folder for the operating system of your personal computer. Open that sub-folder and you will find a file called "QuickStartGuide", this contains the instructions on how to install the new version. For those of you whose first language is not English check the "Documentation" sub-folder. It contains the "QuickStartGuide" in many other languages.

From IBM website

If you would prefer not to use the "Download update" in ACS itself you can use this URL to go directly to download the install zip file:

Then you can follow the above instructions.


When the install has completed go back into the ACS window, select "Help", then "About", and you will see the window confirming you have the new release.

This link will take you to an IBM web page that lists what has been added or changed in this release: IBM i Access - ACS Updates


  1. Done. Thank you!!

  2. Thank you for this. Check for Updates did not find the new version so I appreciate you letting us know.

  3. I don't recall this happening with previous updates but my preferences are gone (e.g. Run statement on double-click) and my custom JDBC configurations are gone.


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