
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Recovering source for a Physical file

recover source for physical file

I am sure this has happened to us all: I have an object and the source it was compiled from is missing. In an earlier posts I showed how I could retrieve the source code from a program, but what about other object types?

Many, many years ago I wrote a command and programs to retrieve the source code for various types of files. When I recently found a physical file with its source missing I thought "I will just use my retrieve command". To my horror I found the command source and object in my personal tools library, but the programs and their source were missing. I may only use this command once in a very long time, but in the past it had proved invaluable in recovering the source for physical, display and printer files. I decided to go ahead and recreate the programs, in several stages. First I want to be able to recover the source for a physical file, then I would move onto the more complicated arrangements found within display and printer files. This post will describe the first stage of this journey, recovering the source for a physical file. The later stages will be covered in future posts.

Within the IBM i operating system there is already a way to convert a physical file object into SQL DDL source. I could then use that generated DDL source and manually enter the DDS source code for the Physical file. But I want to be able to generate DDS from the file object.

I decided to create a test file of the most common data types and keywords I encounter in my daily work:

  • Unique keys
  • With reference fields to other files
  • Fields defined within the file (not reference fields)
  • Field text and column headings
  • Aliases
  • Edit codes and words
  • Default values
  • Variable length
  • Allows null values

I know there are many more things that can be included in a physical file's definition, but almost all the files I deal with have just these attributes.

01  A                                      UNIQUE
02  A                                      REF(PRODLIB/WHSMST)
03  A          R TESTFILER                 TEXT('TESTFILE FILE')
04  A            FALPHA        10A         TEXT('ALPHANUMERIC THAT KEEPS GOING-
05  A                                       ON AND ON FOREVER')
06  A                                      COLHDG('FIRST' 'FIELD' 'HEADING')
07  A                                      ALIAS(FIRST_FIELD_ALPHANUMERIC)
08  A            FPACKED        3P 0       TEXT('PACKED NUMERIC')
09  A                                      COLHDG('SECOND' 'FIELD')
10  A                                      EDTCDE(J)
11  A                                      ALIAS(SECOND_FIELD_PACKED_NUMBER)
12  A            FSIGNED        7S 2       TEXT('SIGNED NUMERIC')
13  A                                      COLHDG('THIRD' 'FIELD')
14  A                                      EDTWRD('0  -   .  ')
15  A                                      ALIAS(THIRD_FIELD_SIGNED_NUMBER)
16  A            FDATE           L         DATFMT(*USA)
17  A                                      TEXT('DATE')
18  A                                      ALIAS(FOURTH_FIELD_DATE)
19  A            FTIME           T         TIMFMT(*HMS)
20  A                                      TEXT('TIME')
21  A                                      ALIAS(FIFTH_FIELD_TIME)
22  A            FREF1     R               REFFLD(ORDNBR PRODLIB/MFGMST)
23  A                                      DFT('A')
24  A                                      ALIAS(SIXTH_FIELD_REFFLD)
25  A            FREF2     R               REFFLD(ITMNBR)
26  A                                      ALIAS(SEVENTH_FIELD_REFFLD)
27  A            FLONG       1000A         TEXT('VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD')
28  A                                      COLHDG('VARIABLE' 'LENGTH' 'FIELD')
29  A                                      ALIAS(EIGHTH_FIELD_VARLEN)
30  A                                      VARLEN
31  A                                      ALWNULL
32  A          K FALPHA
33  A          K FSIGNED

I am not going to describe the definition of all these fields as I am sure you are all familiar with the DDS code above, do not worry if you are not familiar with some of the code I am only going to compare this source code to the one I will be retrieving from the object. What I will mention is that I have defined references fields in two ways:

  1. FREF1 is defined by a REFFLD which gives the referenced field, file and library names.
  2. FREF2 is defined by a REFFLD with only a field name. The reference for the field is found in the file and library defined before the record format, line 2.

I could get the definition information for the physical file from various Views I have written about in the past. As I will be using this program as the basis for a future version that will include logic for display and printer files, I will use the output files created by the Display File Description, DSPFD, and the Display File Field Description, DSPFFD, commands.

I will be using two programs to retrieve the source for the file. The first is a CL program:



08              TEXT('Output source file for retrieved +
09                    DDS source'))


             TEXT('Retrieved DDS source') SRCTYPE(PF)


            OUTFILE(QTEMP/@RCDFMT)   /*Record format name*/

            OUTFILE(QTEMP/@KEYS)   /*Key fields*/

             OUTFILE(QTEMP/@DSPFFD) /*Fields*/




Line 1: I am passing three parameters to this program. This means that this program could be called by a command, from the command line, or from another program with a display file. In my case this program will be called by a command.

Lines 2 – 4: Definitions of the variables for the name of the file, the library it is in, and the attribute of the file. The last parameter is "for future development", in this program the only allowed value will be *PF, which stands for physical file.

Lines 5 – 9: I am going to place my retrieved source in a source file in QTEMP. I need to check if it exists in this job, and if not to create it.

Lines 10 – 11: If there is already a member in the OUTSRC source file with the same name as the file in the &FILE parameter I remove it. I must admit I could have cleared the member instead of this, but I decided to do it this way.

Line 12: I add a new member to OUTSRC with the same name as value in &FILE. I also give it a source type of PF so it will look like a physical file source when I look at the members in OUTSRC using PDM.

Lines 13 – 14: I always start the name of my work files with the at sign ( @ ), one of the reasons is that it makes it easier to delete them all in one Delete file statement.

Line 15: I am using the DSPFD command to retrieve the information about the record format and output it to an outfile, @RCDFMT. The type parameter gives the command the type of information I want.

Line 16: Using the DSPFD command again I retrieve the information about any keys the physical file may have, and output it to an outfile, @KEYS.

Line 17: Using the DSPFFD command I retrieve the information about the fields in the file, and output it to the outfile @DSPFFD.

Line 18: With all that information gathered I can now call my RPG program to build the source records.

Line 19: The Reclaim Resources command, RCLRSC is just to "clean up" any lose ends left by the program.

If I was to look in QTEMP before the RPG program is called I would see the following files:

                          Work with Objects Using PDM                  DEV730
 Library . . . . .   QTEMP         Position to . . . . . . . . .           
                                    Position to type  . . . . . .           

 Opt  Object      Type        Attribute   Text
      @DSPFFD     *FILE       PF-DTA      Output file for DSPFFD
      @KEYS       *FILE       PF-DTA      Output file for DSPFD TYPE(*ACCPTH)
      @RCDFMT     *FILE       PF-DTA      Output file for DSPFD TYPE(*RCDFMT)
      OUTSRC      *FILE       PF-SRC      Output source file for retrieved DDS

And if I was to work with the source file, OUTSRC, I would see the member I created:

                           Work with Members Using PDM
 File  . . . . . .   OUTSRC   
   Library . . . .     QTEMP    

 Opt  Member      Type        Text
      TESTFILE    PF          Retrieved DDS source

The RPG program is the biggest I have shown in a post, therefore, I will be showing it a piece at a time so not to confuse you, the reader, and I, the author writing it. I have included the program in one piece at the bottom of this post here. I am also only going to comment on the lines I think need explaining, lines I think are self-explanatory will not be described. Let me start with the first few lines of totally free form RPG.

001  **free
002  ctl-opt option(*nodebugio:*srcstmt) dftactgrp(*no) ;

003  dcl-ds Format qualified ;
004    File char(10) ;
005    Name char(10) ;
006    Text char(50) ;
007  end-ds ;

Line 2: My usual control options. The DFTACTGROP(*NO) is needed as I will be using subprocedures rather than subroutines.

Lines 3 – 7: I have defined this data structure to hold the information about the file's record format when I get it from the @RCDFMT file using SQL.

This next data structure is information I need to build the source lines, which I will get from the file @DSPFFD.

008  dcl-ds Fields qualified dim(1000) ;
009    Name char(10) ;
010    BytesLength packed(5) ;
011    NbrOfDigits packed(2) ;
012    Type char(1) ;
013    DecPos packed(2) ;
014    Text char(50) ;
015    RefFile char(10) ;
016    RefLib char(10) ;
017    RefFormat char(10) ;
018    RefField char(10) ;
019    ColHdg1 char(20) ;
020    ColHdg2 char(20) ;
021    ColHdg3 char(20) ;
022    EditCode char(2) ;
023    EditWord char(30) ;
024    DateTimeFormat char(4) ;
025    AllowNull char(1) ;
026    Alias char(30) ;
027    Default char(30) ;
028    Variable char(1) ;
029  end-ds ;

Line 8 has a DIM, dimension, keyword, thereby, defining this as a data structure array. I have chosen for it to have 1,000 elements as that is larger than the file I work with that has the most fields. If you have a file with more than 1,000 you will need to adjust this number accordingly.

Next I have defined another data structure array for the information about for the file's keys.

030  dcl-ds Keys qualified dim(100) ;
031    Unique char(1) ;
032    Seq packed(3) ;
033    Field char(10) ;
034    SortOrder char(1) ;
035  end-ds ;

036  dcl-s Elements packed(5) ;
037  dcl-s RowsForKeys like(Elements) ;
038  dcl-s RowsForFields like(Elements) ;

Lines 30 – 35: This is the data structure I will be using to retrieve the key information from the file @KEYS. I have given this data structure array 100 elements as I have not encountered a file with that many key fields. If you have then you need to adjust this number.

Line 36: I will be using this in the SQL statements to fetch the data from the files.

Line 37: This variable will contain the number of records I retrieve from the @KEYS file.

Line 38: This variable does the same for the @DSPFFD file.

The last data structure represents the DDS lines for the source file.

039  dcl-ds Src qualified ;
040    Spec char(1) pos(6) ;
041    Comment char(72) pos(7) ;
042    NameType char(1) pos(17) ;
043    Name char(10) pos(19) ;
044    Ref char(1) pos(29) ;
045    Length char(5) pos(30) ;
046    DataType char(1) pos(35) ;
047    DecPos char(2) pos(36) ;
048    Use char(1) pos(38) ;
049    Functions char(36) pos(45) ;
050  end-ds ;

This is the equivalent of this:

 FMT PF .....A..........T.Name++++++RLen++TDpB......Functions+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
0004.00      A            FALPHA        10A         TEXT('ALPHANUMERIC THAT KEEPS GOING-

Prompt type . . .   PF      Sequence number . . .  0004.00

Name                                     Data      Decimal
Type       Name        Ref     Length    Type     Positions    Use
         FALPHA                 10      A                      
                          TEXT('ALPHANUMERIC THAT KEEPS GOING-

The next part are the remaining definitions and the "main line" of this program.

051  dcl-s OutputMember char(10) ;
052  dcl-s LineSeq zoned(6:2) inz ;
053  dcl-s Work char(108) ;
054  dcl-s Finished ind ;

055  GetData() ;
056  CreateSource() ;

057  *inlr = *on ;

The first procedure gets the data from the various files using SQL. I have found that using a multiple row FETCH my program runs faster than using RPG READ operations, that just get one record at a time.

058  dcl-proc GetData ;
                  INTO :Format
                  FROM QTEMP.@RCDFMT ;

060    Elements = %elem(Keys) ;
061    exec sql DECLARE C0 CURSOR FOR
                   FROM QTEMP.@KEYS
                  ORDER BY APKEYN
                    FOR READ ONLY  ;
062    exec sql OPEN C0 ;
063    exec sql FETCH NEXT FROM C0 FOR :Elements ROWS
                 INTO :Keys ;
064    exec sql GET DIAGNOSTICS :RowsForKeys = ROW_COUNT ;
065    exec sql CLOSE C0 ;

066    Elements = %elem(Fields) ;
067    exec sql DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR
                   FROM QTEMP.@DSPFFD
                    FOR READ ONLY  ;
068    exec sql OPEN C1 ;
069    exec sql FETCH NEXT FROM C1 FOR :Elements ROWS
                 INTO :Fields ;
070    exec sql GET DIAGNOSTICS :RowsForFields = ROW_COUNT ;
071    exec sql CLOSE C1 ;
072  end-proc ;

Line 59: This SQL statement gets the information I need from the @RCDFMT file. As this is a physical file I only need to retrieve the first and only record as a physical file can only have one record format. The information is placed into the Format data structure, defined in lines 3 – 7.

Lines 60 – 65: This code gets the data for all the key fields and places it in the Keys data structure array, defined lines 30 – 35. As I mentioned before I am going to be using a multiple row fetch

to get all the records of data I need from the @KEYS file in one FETCH. On line 60 I move the value of the number of elements in the Keys data structure array into the variable Elements, I will use this in the FETCH statement rather than "hard code" a value. By doing this if I change the number of elements in the array I don't have to change any other lines of code. On line 64 I retrieve the number of rows/record I fetched from the @KEYS file into the variable RowsForKeys, I will be using this later in a FOR loop.

Line 66 - 71: I am doing a similar multiple row fetch go get the data from the @DSPFFD file into the data structure array Fields. I am capturing the number of rows/records fetched into the RowsForFields variable on line 70.

I now have all the data I need in the three data structures subfields. I no longer need the files I fetched the data from in this procedure, and I could delete them here with a DROP TABLE SQL statement if I so desired.

The next subprocedure, CreateSource, is so long I am only going to give a piece of it at a time. So let's start with the first snippet.

073  dcl-proc CreateSource ;
074    dcl-c Notice1 '* DISCLAIMER' ;
075    dcl-c Notice2 '* This source was retrieved by a program.' ;
076    dcl-c Notice3 '* Validate the code below using DSPFD & DSPFFD' ;
077    dcl-c Notice4 ' with the original file.' ;

078    dcl-s i packed(8) ;

079    OutputMember = Format.File ;

080    Src.Comment = Notice1 ;
081    WriteRecord() ;

082    Src.Comment = Notice2 ;
083    WriteRecord() ;

084    Src.Comment = Notice3 + Notice4 ;
085    WriteRecord() ;

086    if (Keys(1).Unique = 'Y') ;
087      Src.Functions = 'UNIQUE' ;
088      WriteRecord() ;
089    endif ;

090    Src.NameType = 'R' ;
091    Src.Name = Format.Name ;
092    if (Format.Text <> ' ') ;
093      Src.Functions = 'TEXT(''' + %trimr(%subst(Format.Text:1:28)) +
                           ''')' ;
094    endif ;
095    WriteRecord() ;

Lines 74 – 77: These are constants that I will be using as comments in my source members. What I like about totally free RPG is the increase in the range of columns I can enter code. Before totally free my code had to be between the 8th and 80th columns. With totally free I can go from the first column to the last column in the source member. I would have combined the constants Notice3 and Notice4 into one, but for the sake of showing it here I have broken it into two.

Line 78: What I like about subprocedures is that I can have "local" variables which can only be used in this subprocedure. I like this as it self-documenting that the variable i will only be used in this subprocedure.

Line 79: The retrieve source member will have the same name as the physical, I place it in the variable so that it can be used to open the right member in the source file. I get the file name from the Format data structure.

Lines 80 – 85: I am writing my constants as comments at the "top" of the source member. I will describe the subprocedure WriteRecord later.

Lines 86 – 89: If this file has a unique key then I need to write the UNIQUE keyword to the source file before the record format name, as it is a "file level" keyword.

Lines 90 – 95: I need to define the record format. I get its name and if there is accompanying text from the Format data structure.

The next part of the subprocedure uses a FOR loop to process all the data in the Fields data structure array. The code within in the FOR loop is too long to show in one snippet, therefore, I am going to show it in tree. The first snippet is the code for defining the field.

096    for i = 1 to RowsForFields ;
097      Src.Name = Fields(i).Name ;
098      if (Fields(i).RefFile <> ' ') ;
099        Src.Ref = 'R' ;
100        Work = 'REFFLD(' + %trimr(Fields(i).RefFormat) + '/' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefField) + ' ' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefLib) + '/' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefFile) +')' ;
101        ChopItUp() ;
102      else ;
103        if (Fields(i).NbrOfDigits > 0) ;
104          evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).NbrOfDigits) ;
105          evalr Src.DecPos = %char(Fields(i).DecPos) ;
106        elseif ((Fields(i).Type <> 'L') and
                   (Fields(i).Type <> 'T') and
                   (Fields(i).Type <> 'Z')) ;
107          if (Fields(i).Variable = 'Y') ;
108            evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).BytesLength - 2) ;
109          else ;
110            evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).BytesLength) ;
111          endif ;
112        endif ;
113        Src.DataType = Fields(i).Type ;
114      endif ;

115      if (Src.Functions <> ' ') ;
116        WriteRecord() ;
117      endif ;

118      if (Fields(i).Text <> ' ' ) ;
119        Work = 'TEXT(''' + %trimr(Fields(i).Text) + ''')' ;
120        ChopItUp() ;
121        WriteRecord() ;
122      endif ;

Line 96: The FOR loop will be executed until the "counter" value equals the value in the variable RowsForFields, which is the number records fetched from the @DSPFFD file, ss line 70.

Line 97: The name of the field is moved in the relevant subfield of the Src data structure.

Lines 98 – 101: If the field was defined using the REFFLD keyword then I need to put "R" in the Reference subfield, line 99. I put together all the relevant subfields from Fields to create the REFFLD string in the variable Work, line 100. As the string within Work could be greater than 36 characters. The length of the functions part of the DDS specification, I need to "chop it up" into appropriate lengths before I move it to the Functions subfield. As I will be "chopping up" more than this string I created a subprocedure to do it, ChopItUp.

Line 102: The code that follows is where the field was defined within the file.

Lines 103 – 105: If the field is numeric it could be packed or signed. If the field is packed the number of bytes used by the field is less than its length. Fortunately the @DSPFFD file, and the Fields data structure array, has two fields to assist me with this issue. The first subfield is BytesLength which is the length of the field in bytes, which in the case of the example field FPACKED is two. The second is NbrOfDigits the number of digits in a numeric field only. Therefore, for numeric fields I must use the NbrOfDigits for its length. On lines 104 and 105 I am using the %CHAR built in function to convert the numbers to alphanumeric, and then using the EVALR operation code to right justify the character value. I do this as I prefer to see " 3" rather than "00003".

Lines 106: If the field is a date (L), time (T), or a timestamp (Z) I do not have to give its length. Therefore, if it not one of those I do…

Lines 107 and 108: If the field was defined as variable the operating adds two bytes to the start of it, which contain its length. Therefore, if the field is of variable length I need to subtract two from it to give the defined length.

Line 110: If is not variable then the field's length is same as the value in the subfield BytesLength.

Line 113: Move the data type into the right place in the source data structure.

Lines 118 – 122: If there is text for the field I need to make the TEXT string, which could be longer than 36 characters so I need to send it to ChopItUp, and then write to the output file.

The next part of the FOR loop I am going to describe is the way I have handled the column headings.

123      if ((Fields(i).ColHdg1 <> ' ')
            or (Fields(i).ColHdg2 <> ' ')
            or (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ')) ;
124        Work = 'COLHDG(''' ;

125        if (Fields(i).ColHdg1 = ' ') ;
126          Work = %trimr(Work) + ''' ''' ;
127        else ;
128          Work = %trimr(Work) + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg1) + ''' ' ;
129        endif ;

130        if ((Fields(i).ColHdg2 = ' ') and (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ')) ;
131           Work = %trimr(Work) + ' '' ''' ;
132        elseif (Fields(i).ColHdg2 <> ' ') ;
133           Work = %trimr(Work) + ' ''' + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg2) 
                       + ''' ' ;
134        endif ;

135        if (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ') ;
136          Work = %trimr(Work) + ' ''' + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg3) 
                      + ''' ' ;
137        endif ;

138        Work = %trimr(Work) + ')' ;
139        ChopItUp() ;
140        WriteRecord() ;
141      endif ;

Line 123: The column headings are in three different subfields. If one of them is not blank then I have column headings.

Lines 125 and 126: If the first column heading is blank I need to write a blank heading as either the second of third is used. The three apostrophes ( ''' ) are used to add one apostrophe to the string.

Lines 130 – 132: If there is no value in column heading 2, but there is in 3, I need to write a blank column heading.

Lines 138 – 140: When the column headings have been moved to Work I call ChopItUp, and then write the record to the output file.

The last section of this FOR creates all the other commonly used DDS keywords I use.

142      if (%subst(Fields(i).EditCode:1:1) <> ' ') ;
143        Src.Functions = 'EDTCDE(' + %trimr(Fields(i).EditCode) + ')' ;
144        WriteRecord() ;
145      elseif (Fields(i).EditWord <> ' ') ;
146        Src.Functions = 'EDTWRD(' + %trimr(Fields(i).EditWord) + ')' ;
147        WriteRecord() ;
148      endif ;

149      if (Fields(i).DateTimeFormat <> ' ') ;
150        if (Fields(i).Type = 'L') ;
151           Src.Functions = 'DATFMT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).DateTimeFormat) +
                            ')' ;
152           WriteRecord() ;
153        elseif (Fields(i).Type = 'T') ;
154           Src.Functions = 'TIMFMT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).DateTimeFormat) +
                            ')' ;
155           WriteRecord() ;
156        endif ;
157      endif ;

158      if (Fields(i).Alias <> ' ') ;
159        Src.Functions = 'ALIAS(' + %trimr(Fields(i).Alias) + ')' ;
160        WriteRecord() ;
161      endif ;

162      if (Fields(i).Default <> ' ') ;
163        Src.Functions = 'DFT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).Default) + ')' ;
164        WriteRecord() ;
165      endif ;

166      if (Fields(i).AllowNull = 'Y') ;
167        Src.Functions = 'ALWNULL' ;
168        WriteRecord() ;
169      endif ;

170      if (Fields(i).Variable = 'Y') ;
171        Src.Functions = 'VARLEN' ;
172        WriteRecord() ;
173      endif ;
174    endfor ;

Line 142: I have found that when an edit code is not used the second position of the edit code subfield, EditCode, contains a hexadecimal value, therefore, it is not blank. Thus I only check the first position of the edit code subfield to see if an edit code is used.

Line 145: You cannot have an edit word if an edit code is used, so if there is no edit code I check for an edit word.

Line 149: The same subfield is used for the date or time format, which make sense as a field can only be one or the other. Therefore, the logic to create the relevant keyword has to be conditioned by the the field data type.

Lines 158 – 161: There is a subfield for the alias name for a field. If it is not blank I need to make an ALIAS source record.

Lines 162 – 165: If there is a value in the field default subfield I need to make a DFT source record.

Lines 166 – 169: Does the field allow null values?

Lines 170 – 173: Is the field variable in length?

Line 185: And that is the end of this FOR loop, that started on line 96.

Onto the next piece of code that is another FOR loop, to write the key information to the output file. Do not worry this loop is only eight lines.

175    for i = 1 to RowsForKeys ;
176      Src.NameType = 'K' ;
177      Src.Name = Keys(i).Field ;

178      if (Keys(i).SortOrder = 'D') ;
179        Src.Functions = 'DESC' ;
180      endif ;

181      WriteRecord() ;
182    endfor ;

Line 175: As this loop is for the key fields it will be executed the same number of times as the number of rows/records that were fetched from the file @KEYS.

Lines 178 – 180: These are not relevant to a physical file, I add these lines for "future development" reasons.

There are only three lines left in this procedure.

183    Finished = *on ;
184    WriteRecord() ;
185  end-proc ;

Lines 183 – 184: These are used to close the source member. More on that in the description of WriteRecord.

The rest of the subprocedures are a lot smaller than that one. Next subprocedure is the one to write to the output source file.

186  dcl-proc WriteRecord ;
187    dcl-f OUTSRC extfile('QTEMP/OUTSRC')
                      usropn ;

188    dcl-ds SrcRcd likerec(OUTPUT:*output) ;

189    if (Finished) ;
190      close OUTSRC ;
191      return ;
192    endif ;

193    if not(%open(OUTSRC)) ;
194      open OUTSRC ;
195    endif ;

196    SrcRcd.SrcSeq = LineSeq + 0.01 ;
197    Src.Spec = 'A' ;
198    SrcRcd.SrcDta = Src ;

199    write OUTPUT SrcRcd ;

200    Src = ' ' ;
201    LineSeq = SrcRcd.SrcSeq ;
202  end-proc ;

Line 187: This is the definition for the file, and member, that the data is written to. I have used the EXTFILE keyword to give the file's location to make sure I write to the correct file. As the member will be different for every file I use this program with, I need to use the EXTMBR to make sure I only open the member I want, not the first one which is the default if EXTMBR is not used. The variable OutputMember contains the value from the subfield in the data structure Formats that contains the file name, line 79. The record format name of a source file is always the same as the name of the file, which means I need a RENAME to rename the record format's name to something different. STATIC means that the file will not be closed when I exit this subprocedure. It will remain open until I explicitly close it. I have to make the file user open, USROPN, to make sure I right the member I want to.

Line 188: As the file is defined in a subprocedure I need to use a data structure to output to the file. All the fields in the file are automatically defined in this data structure, and prefixed with the data structures name. I am also using this data structure for output only.

Lines 189 – 192: The last time this subprocedure is called the indicator Finished will be on, which means I will close the output file.

Lines 193 – 195: The first time I call this subprocedure the file will be closed, so I need to open it. Every other time I call this subprocedure the file is already open, therefore, this code will not be executed again.

Line 196: I have to increment the line number as each source record needs its own unique number.

Line 197: The DDS source line should have an "A" in the sixth column.

Line 198: I move all of my Src data structure into the source data field.

Line 199: When I write to the output file I need to use the data structure I defined on line 188.

The last subprocedure is the fancifully named ChopItUp. Its purpose is to chop the string in the variable Work into parts that can be moved to the Fucntions subfield, then written to the output file.

203  dcl-proc ChopItUp ;
204    dcl-ds Parts qualified ;
205      One char(36) ;
206      Two char(36) ;
207      Three char(36) ;
208    end-ds ;

209    Parts = Work ;

210    if ((Parts.Two = ' ') and (Parts.Three = ' ')) ;
211      Src.Functions = Parts.One ;
212      return ;
213    endif ;

214    if (Parts.Two <> ' ') ;
215      %subst(Parts:37) = %subst(Parts:36) ;
216      %subst(Parts:36:1) = '-' ;
217      Src.Functions = Parts.One ;
218      WriteRecord() ;
219      Src.Functions = Parts.Two ;
220    endif ;

221    if (Parts.Three <> ' ') ;
222      %subst(Parts:73) = %subst(Parts:72) ;
223      %subst(Parts:72:1) = '-' ;
224      Src.Functions = Parts.Two ;
225      WriteRecord() ;
226      Src.Functions = Parts.Three ;
227    endif ;
228  end-proc ;

Lines 210 – 213: If the string in Work is big enough to fit in just the first part then I can exit the subprocedure. The source line will be written by the WriteRecord which always the call to this subprocedure.

Lines 214 – 220: If there is something in the subfield Part2 I need to add a hyphen ( - ) to the end of Part1 and move the string up one place.

Lines 221 – 227: The same is true is there is something in Part3.

We all managed to go through this program of 228 lines. I hope you are not too confused. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the Comments section below.

The result from this program is a source member in OUTSRC which looks pretty similar to the TESTFILE shown at the start of this post.

02  A* This source was retrieved by a program.
03  A* Validate the code below using DSPFD & DSPFFD with the original file.
04  A                                      UNIQUE
05  A          R TESTFILER                 TEXT('TESTFILE FILE')
06  A            FALPHA        10A         TEXT('ALPHANUMERIC THAT KEEPS GOING-
07  A                                       ON AND ON FOREVER')
08  A                                      COLHDG('FIRST' 'FIELD' 'HEADING')
09  A                                      ALIAS(FIRST_FIELD_ALPHANUMERIC)
10  A            FPACKED        3P 0       TEXT('PACKED NUMERIC')
11  A                                      COLHDG('SECOND' 'FIELD')
12  A                                      EDTCDE(J)
13  A                                      ALIAS(SECOND_FIELD_PACKED_NUMBER)
14  A            FSIGNED        7S 2       TEXT('SIGNED NUMERIC')
15  A                                      COLHDG('THIRD' 'FIELD')
16  A                                      EDTWRD('0  -   .  ')
17  A                                      ALIAS(THIRD_FIELD_SIGNED_NUMBER)
18  A            FDATE           L         TEXT('DATE')
19  A                                      COLHDG('FDATE')
20  A                                      DATFMT(*USA)
21  A                                      ALIAS(FOURTH_FIELD_DATE)
22  A            FTIME           T         TEXT('TIME')
23  A                                      COLHDG('FTIME')
24  A                                      TIMFMT(*HMS)
25  A                                      ALIAS(FIFTH_FIELD_TIME)
26  A            FREF1     R               REFFLD(MFGMSTR/ORDNBR PRODLIB/MFGMS-
27  A                                      T)
28  A                                      TEXT('Order number')
29  A                                      COLHDG('Order' 'Number')
30  A                                      ALIAS(SIXTH_FIELD_REFFLD)
31  A                                      DFT('A')
32  A            FREF2     R               REFFLD(WHSMSTR/ITMNBR PRODLIB/WHSMS-
33  A                                      T)
34  A                                      TEXT('Item number')
35  A                                      COLHDG('Item number')
36  A                                      ALIAS(SEVENTH_FIELD_REFFLD)
37  A            FLONG       1000A         TEXT('VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD')
38  A                                      COLHDG('VARIABLE' 'LENGTH' 'FIELD')
39  A                                      ALIAS(EIGHTH_FIELD_VARLEN)
40  A                                      ALWNULL
41  A                                      VARLEN
42  A          K FALPHA
43  A          K FSIGNED

I placed the disclaimer at the top of the retrieved source as I want anyone who uses this program to be aware there are some scenarios that this program will not handle. The two I can think of now are (I am sure there others too):

01  A            UNITCOST       7P 2
02  A            FPACKED2       5P 0

03  A            EXTENDAMT R   +2          REFFLD(UNITCOST *SRC)
04  A            FSIGNED2  R     S         REFFLD(FPACKED2 *SRC)

Display File Field Description

           Data        Field
Field      Type       Length
FSIGNED2   ZONED        5  0

The field EXTENDAMT will be two positions longer than the field it is based upon.

FISGNED2 is converted from packed numeric to signed/zoned.

If you use this it is up to you to compare the retrieved source to match what you see when using DSPFD and DSPFFD with the original file, and make any changes necessary to the retrieved source.

RPG program in full

001  **free
002  ctl-opt option(*nodebugio:*srcstmt) dftactgrp(*no) ;

003  dcl-ds Format qualified ;
004    File char(10) ;
005    Name char(10) ;
006    Text char(50) ;
007  end-ds ;

008  dcl-ds Fields qualified dim(1000) ;
009    Name char(10) ;
010    BytesLength packed(5) ;
011    NbrOfDigits packed(2) ;
012    Type char(1) ;
013    DecPos packed(2) ;
014    Text char(50) ;
015    RefFile char(10) ;
016    RefLib char(10) ;
017    RefFormat char(10) ;
018    RefField char(10) ;
019    ColHdg1 char(20) ;
020    ColHdg2 char(20) ;
021    ColHdg3 char(20) ;
022    EditCode char(2) ;
023    EditWord char(30) ;
024    DateTimeFormat char(4) ;
025    AllowNull char(1) ;
026    Alias char(30) ;
027    Default char(30) ;
028    Variable char(1) ;
029  end-ds ;

030  dcl-ds Keys qualified dim(100) ;
031    Unique char(1) ;
032    Seq packed(3) ;
033    Field char(10) ;
034    SortOrder char(1) ;
035  end-ds ;

036  dcl-s Elements packed(5) ;
037  dcl-s RowsForKeys like(Elements) ;
038  dcl-s RowsForFields like(Elements) ;

039  dcl-ds Src qualified ;
040    Spec char(1) pos(6) ;
041    Comment char(72) pos(7) ;
042    NameType char(1) pos(17) ;
043    Name char(10) pos(19) ;
044    Ref char(1) pos(29) ;
045    Length char(5) pos(30) ;
046    DataType char(1) pos(35) ;
047    DecPos char(2) pos(36) ;
048    Use char(1) pos(38) ;
049    Functions char(36) pos(45) ;
050  end-ds ;

051  dcl-s OutputMember char(10) ;
052  dcl-s LineSeq zoned(6:2) inz ;
053  dcl-s Work char(108) ;
054  dcl-s Finished ind ;

055  GetData() ;
056  CreateSource() ;

057  *inlr = *on ;

058  dcl-proc GetData ;
                  INTO :Format
                  FROM QTEMP.@RCDFMT ;

060    Elements = %elem(Keys) ;
061    exec sql DECLARE C0 CURSOR FOR
                   FROM QTEMP.@KEYS
                  ORDER BY APKEYN
                    FOR READ ONLY  ;
062    exec sql OPEN C0 ;
063    exec sql FETCH NEXT FROM C0 FOR :Elements ROWS
                 INTO :Keys ;
064    exec sql GET DIAGNOSTICS :RowsForKeys = ROW_COUNT ;
065    exec sql CLOSE C0 ;

066    Elements = %elem(Fields) ;
067    exec sql DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR
                   FROM QTEMP.@DSPFFD
                    FOR READ ONLY  ;
068    exec sql OPEN C1 ;
069    exec sql FETCH NEXT FROM C1 FOR :Elements ROWS
                 INTO :Fields ;
070    exec sql GET DIAGNOSTICS :RowsForFields = ROW_COUNT ;
071    exec sql CLOSE C1 ;
072  end-proc ;

073  dcl-proc CreateSource ;
074    dcl-c Notice1 '* DISCLAIMER' ;
075    dcl-c Notice2 '* This source was retrieved by a program.' ;
076    dcl-c Notice3 '* Validate the code below using DSPFD & DSPFFD' ;
077    dcl-c Notice4 ' with the original file.' ;

078    dcl-s i packed(8) ;

079    OutputMember = Format.File ;

080    Src.Comment = Notice1 ;
081    WriteRecord() ;

082    Src.Comment = Notice2 ;
083    WriteRecord() ;

084    Src.Comment = Notice3 + Notice4 ;
085    WriteRecord() ;

086    if (Keys(1).Unique = 'Y') ;
087      Src.Functions = 'UNIQUE' ;
088      WriteRecord() ;
089    endif ;

090    Src.NameType = 'R' ;
091    Src.Name = Format.Name ;
092    if (Format.Text <> ' ') ;
093      Src.Functions = 'TEXT(''' + %trimr(%subst(Format.Text:1:28)) +
                           ''')' ;
094    endif ;
095    WriteRecord() ;

096    for i = 1 to RowsForFields ;
097      Src.Name = Fields(i).Name ;
098      if (Fields(i).RefFile <> ' ') ;
099        Src.Ref = 'R' ;
100        Work = 'REFFLD(' + %trimr(Fields(i).RefFormat) + '/' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefField) + ' ' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefLib) + '/' +
                  %trimr(Fields(i).RefFile) +')' ;
101        ChopItUp() ;
102      else ;
103        if (Fields(i).NbrOfDigits > 0) ;
104          evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).NbrOfDigits) ;
105          evalr Src.DecPos = %char(Fields(i).DecPos) ;
106        elseif ((Fields(i).Type <> 'L') and
                   (Fields(i).Type <> 'T') and
                   (Fields(i).Type <> 'Z')) ;
107          if (Fields(i).Variable = 'Y') ;
108            evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).BytesLength - 2) ;
109          else ;
110            evalr Src.Length = %char(Fields(i).BytesLength) ;
111          endif ;
112        endif ;
113        Src.DataType = Fields(i).Type ;
114      endif ;

115      if (Src.Functions <> ' ') ;
116        WriteRecord() ;
117      endif ;

118      if (Fields(i).Text <> ' ' ) ;
119        Work = 'TEXT(''' + %trimr(Fields(i).Text) + ''')' ;
120        ChopItUp() ;
121        WriteRecord() ;
122      endif ;

123      if ((Fields(i).ColHdg1 <> ' ')
            or (Fields(i).ColHdg2 <> ' ')
            or (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ')) ;
124        Work = 'COLHDG(''' ;

125        if (Fields(i).ColHdg1 = ' ') ;
126          Work = %trimr(Work) + ''' ''' ;
127        else ;
128          Work = %trimr(Work) + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg1) + ''' ' ;
129        endif ;

130        if ((Fields(i).ColHdg2 = ' ') and (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ')) ;
131           Work = %trimr(Work) + ' '' ''' ;
132        elseif (Fields(i).ColHdg2 <> ' ') ;
133           Work = %trimr(Work) + ' ''' + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg2) 
                       + ''' ' ;
134        endif ;

135        if (Fields(i).ColHdg3 <> ' ') ;
136          Work = %trimr(Work) + ' ''' + %trimr(Fields(i).ColHdg3) 
                      + ''' ' ;
137        endif ;

138        Work = %trimr(Work) + ')' ;
139        ChopItUp() ;
140        WriteRecord() ;
141      endif ;

142      if (%subst(Fields(i).EditCode:1:1) <> ' ') ;
143        Src.Functions = 'EDTCDE(' + %trimr(Fields(i).EditCode) + ')' ;
144        WriteRecord() ;
145      elseif (Fields(i).EditWord <> ' ') ;
146        Src.Functions = 'EDTWRD(' + %trimr(Fields(i).EditWord) + ')' ;
147        WriteRecord() ;
148      endif ;

149      if (Fields(i).DateTimeFormat <> ' ') ;
150        if (Fields(i).Type = 'L') ;
151           Src.Functions = 'DATFMT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).DateTimeFormat) +
                            ')' ;
152           WriteRecord() ;
153        elseif (Fields(i).Type = 'T') ;
154           Src.Functions = 'TIMFMT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).DateTimeFormat) +
                            ')' ;
155           WriteRecord() ;
156        endif ;
157      endif ;

158      if (Fields(i).Alias <> ' ') ;
159        Src.Functions = 'ALIAS(' + %trimr(Fields(i).Alias) + ')' ;
160        WriteRecord() ;
161      endif ;

162      if (Fields(i).Default <> ' ') ;
163        Src.Functions = 'DFT(' + %trimr(Fields(i).Default) + ')' ;
164        WriteRecord() ;
165      endif ;

166      if (Fields(i).AllowNull = 'Y') ;
167        Src.Functions = 'ALWNULL' ;
168        WriteRecord() ;
169      endif ;

170      if (Fields(i).Variable = 'Y') ;
171        Src.Functions = 'VARLEN' ;
172        WriteRecord() ;
173      endif ;
174    endfor ;

175    for i = 1 to RowsForKeys ;
176      Src.NameType = 'K' ;
177      Src.Name = Keys(i).Field ;

178      if (Keys(i).SortOrder = 'D') ;
179        Src.Functions = 'DESC' ;
180      endif ;

181      WriteRecord() ;
182    endfor ;

183    Finished = *on ;
184    WriteRecord() ;
185  end-proc ;

186  dcl-proc WriteRecord ;
187    dcl-f OUTSRC extfile('QTEMP/OUTSRC')
                      usropn ;

188    dcl-ds SrcRcd likerec(OUTPUT:*output) ;

189    if (Finished) ; // Performed at end
190      close OUTSRC ;
191      return ;
192    endif ;

193    if not(%open(OUTSRC)) ;
194      open OUTSRC ;
195    endif ;

196    SrcRcd.SrcSeq = LineSeq + 0.01 ;
197    Src.Spec = 'A' ;
198    SrcRcd.SrcDta = Src ;

199    write OUTPUT SrcRcd ;

200    Src = ' ' ;
201    LineSeq = SrcRcd.SrcSeq ;
202  end-proc ;

203  dcl-proc ChopItUp ;
204    dcl-ds Parts qualified ;
205      One char(36) ;
206      Two char(36) ;
207      Three char(36) ;
208    end-ds ;

209    Parts = Work ;

210    if ((Parts.Two = ' ') and (Parts.Three = ' ')) ;
211      Src.Functions = Parts.One ;
212      return ;
213    endif ;

214    if (Parts.Two <> ' ') ;
215      %subst(Parts:37) = %subst(Parts:36) ;
216      %subst(Parts:36:1) = '-' ;
217      Src.Functions = Parts.One ;
218      WriteRecord() ;
219      Src.Functions = Parts.Two ;
220    endif ;

221    if (Parts.Three <> ' ') ;
222      %subst(Parts:73) = %subst(Parts:72) ;
223      %subst(Parts:72:1) = '-' ;
224      Src.Functions = Parts.Two ;
225      WriteRecord() ;
226      Src.Functions = Parts.Three ;
227    endif ;
228  end-proc ;



  1. Interesting Simon like always however There many ways and easier to retrieve a DDS source if you lost it For example
    - TAATOOL provide this command for those who has it, RTVPFSRC
    retrieve the source and create a dds

    - With DBU you can print the layout of the file and from the
    printed layout which you can convert to file create the dds

    - Take this opportunity to convert your original DDS source
    object into an SQL table using procedure GENERATE_SQL which
    you wrote about it right here (Converting DDS to DDL)

    - I Navigator and Rational Development (If Eclipse DATA TOOL
    Installed) has a feature that you can create SQL DDL from a file.

    1. Thank you for mentioning some alternatives.

      I agree there are other ways to regenerate the source for any physical file, including converting it to a SQL DDL table. But this is the first step to a more comprehensive tool that will allow you use it to retrieve the source from display and printer files, which I will write about in a future post.

      All of the posts on this blog are written with a standard IBM i configuration, with no third party applications, which excludes TAATOOL and DBU, so that anyone can take what I write about and use it on their IBM i

  2. Oh I forgot API QSQGNDDL can help too in retrieving the DDS.

    1. I agree that API is another way to generate DDL from a file, and I have given examples of how to use it here.

  3. Thanks for the interesting article Simon!
    The detour via *OUTFILE is not necessary if you use embedded SQL to get the ins and outs of a file on the system. You can access the IBM i repository files directly. Here are some examples:

    select *
    from qsys/qadbxref
    where dbxlib = 'QIWS'
    and dbxfil = 'QCUSTCDT'

    select dbxtxt
    , dbxatr
    from qsys/qadbxref
    where dbxlib = 'QIWS'
    and dbxfil = 'QCUSTCDT'

    select coalesce(max(DBIFMT), '*NOT_FOUND')
    from qsys/qadbifld
    where dbilib = 'QIWS'
    and dbifil = 'QCUSTCDT'
    and dbifmp = 1

    select dbkfld dbkfld -- Field name
    , dbkord dbkord -- A-Ascending, D-Desce
    , cast( dbifln as dec(7, 0)) dbifln -- SQL length of field
    , dbiitp dbiitp -- Internal data type
    , cast(coalesce(dbinsc, 99) as dec(2, 0)) dbinsc -- Numeric field scale
    , coalesce(trim(dbitxt), trim(dbihdg)) dbitxt -- Field text
    from qsys/qadbkfld
    join qsys/qadbifld on dbilib = dbklib
    and dbifil = dbkfil
    and dbifmt = dbkfmt
    and dbifld = dbkfld
    where dbklib = ‘MYLIB’
    and dbkfil = ‘MYKEYEDFILE’
    and dbkfmp = 1
    and dbkfmt = ‘MYRECF’
    order by dbkpos

    select dbifld dbifld -- Field name
    , cast( dbifln as dec(7, 0)) dbifln -- SQL length of field
    , dbiitp dbiitp -- Internal data type
    , cast(coalesce(dbinsc, 99) as dec(2, 0)) dbinsc -- Numeric field scale
    , coalesce(trim(dbitxt), trim(dbihdg)) dbitxt -- Field text
    from qsys/qadbifld
    where dbilib = 'QIWS'
    and dbifil = 'QCUSTCDT'
    and dbifmt = 'CUSREC'


  4. While it makes sense to be able to re-create source for a display file and printer file, I don't see the need to re-create source for a PF.

    If you haven't already replaced all PF DDS with DDL, you should at least generate DDL and keep it in DDL for one you have lost and only use this.

  5. Thanks Simon. This is a great idea I can use this to build files on the fly. Many times I need to view journal entries and I need to see the data elements of the file being journaled along with the journal entries. This tool could build the source of the DSPJRN output file and add the source of the journaled file in place of the JOESD field to see each data element of the journaled file. When the source is built then create a temporary file from this source then run the DSPJRN and copy the journal entries into the temporary file. Now I can inquiry against the temporary file to select or view the individual elements within the journal data.


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