Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Extracting the job's name from the Job Name

extracting name part of job name

I was asked was there an easy way to extract the name from the Job Name column in the Db2 for i table function ACTIVE_JOB_INFO.

The IBM i Job Name consists of three parts:

  1. Number
  2. User profile
  3. Name given to the job when it was started

For example:


The issue when extracting the name from the Job Name is it does not always start in the same position. The number is always six long, but the user profile can be any length from one to ten. This means that the name could start anywhere from the tenth to the nineteenth position in the Job Name.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Using SQL to determine if subsystem is started

check if subsystem active and count of jobs in it

The question came in two parts:

  1. Is it possible to know whether a subsystem has been started?
  2. If it is started how can I determine the number of jobs running in it?

To answer these questions I decided to use a Db2 for i table function I have written about before ACTIVE_JOB_INFO.

One of the parameters that can be used with ACTIVE_JOB_INFO is one that narrows the results to just all active subsystems. If I wanted to know if QINTER subsystem was active I could use the following SQL statement in my favorite SQL client:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Easiest way to retrieve the program's name in a CL program

this is the easiest way to get the cl program name

It has always been a bit of a pain to get the name of the CL current program using the Receive Message command, RCVMSG. Therefore, I was excited when I received an example program showing a much simpler way of getting the same information by using a Machine Interface program.

The program I am going to show needs to be created as a CLLE member, and compiled using the Create Bound CL program , CRTBNDCL. As the call procedure command, CALLPRC, is not permitted in CLP source members.

My CLLE program will be calling the MI program _MATPGMNM, it is important to notice that the program name starts with an underscore ( _ ). I cannot use a CALL command, I must use the CALLPRC command instead.

My first example is the simplest program I could write to call this MI program, and have the current program name and library returned.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Which users are authorized to these files and tables?

systabaut, system table authority, sql view

This post started as one idea, and the more I played it morphed into something else.

The starting point was the SYSTABAUTH view. This view displays the authority of all DDS PF and LF files, SQL DDL tables, views and indexes, in all libraries, except QTEMP. It contains the same information that is shown when I use the Display Object Authority command, DSPOBJAUT. As it is a view I can retrieve the results from SQL statements and manipulate it any way I desire.

In these examples I will be using a few of the view's columns:

  1. GRANTEE:  the user profile that has been authorized to the object
  2. SYSTEM_TABLE_SCHEMA:  the system name of the library that contains the object
  3. SYSTEM_TABLE_NAME:  the system name of the object
  4. PRIVILEGE_TYPE:  the various authorities granted to the user profile to this object

There are seven different types of privilege that can be given to an object:

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Checking for Firmware updates

check for firmware updates

You might want to share this post with the System Admin of the IBM i you use, as this will probably more of more interest to him or her than to a developer type of person.

Wikipedia defines firmware as:

Firmware is a specific class of computer software that provides the low-level control for the device's specific hardware.

Wikipedia: Firmware

Despite the term "Firmware Currency" being widely used by many different hardware platforms I have been unable to find a definition. From what I can ascertain "firmware currency" appears to be the equivalent of firmware release.

With the latest Technology Refresh for IBM i, TR6, a new view has been added to allow us to compared the firmware fix level installed on the IBM i partition to the recommended fix level from the remote Fix Level Recommendation Tool, FLRT. To be able to use this view the IBM i partition being used must be able to access the internet and be able to reach the FLRT website: