Monday, May 30, 2022

Updated IBM i roadmap for 2022

With IBM i 7.5 being released IBM has updated its IBM i Roadmap image:

Click on image to see larger version

I find interesting:

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Start testing the new date rule

1970 rule window dates

Since the beginning of time on OS/400, the beloved ancestor of IBM i, six long dates have always used the "1940 rule" to determine the century.

If Year >= 40 then Century = 19
If Year < 40 then Century = 20

2039 is not that far in the future, only 17 years away, IBM has developed a replacement rule, "1970 rule".

If Year >= 70 then Century = 19
If Year < 70 then Century = 20

As part of the IBM i 7.5 announcement IBM has said that the new rule will be implemented in a future release or Technology Refresh.

IBM is giving a foretaste of the new rule in 7.5. I used the word "foretaste" as the "1940 rule" has not been replaced, but the new rule can be implemented on top of it, if you so desire. The rule can either be applied to your entire system, which I do NOT recommend, or it can be implemented just to the current job.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

TR PTFs for 7.4 and 7.3 available today

The PTFS for the two new Technology Refreshes:

  • IBM i 7.4 TR6
  • IBM i 7.3 TR12

Are now able for download as PTFs from IBM Support website.

Start planning to download these into a test partition, and get ready for the testing process to validate your applications with these TRs. Don't forget the database (SQL) and RPG PTFs come separately.

<whispers> It might be time to get the latest CUM PTFs to ensure you get all the available PTFs for your release </whispers>

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

New way in RPG to monitor for errors

on-excp in monitor group

In RPG we have been able to monitor for errors, using a Monitor group, for years. Until IBM i 7.5 and 7.4 TR6 we could only monitor for program and file status codes. I have always preferred CL’s MONMSG that allowed me to monitor by message id instead.

As part of the new release, or new TR for 7.4, there is a new RPG operation code, ON-EXCP, that can be used within a Monitor group to monitor for a specific error message or messages. The syntax is very similar to that of the ON-ERROR operation code:

monitor ;
on-excp 'CPF1234' : 'RNX1234' : 'RNQ1234' ;
  Do something else to mitigate the error
endmon ;

I am going to give some examples below so you can understand how ON-EXCP works. Here is my RPG program’s source code:

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

New TR for IBM i 7.3

I am certain in all the videos of the announcements for IBM i 7.5 and 7.4 TR6 we were told there would be no more Technology Refreshes, TR, for 7.3.

Well, it appears that there is to be another Technology Refresh for 7.3, TR12. I found it on the Technology Refresh information page for 7.3 here.

It is available on the same day, May 24, that 7.4 TR6 is.

What is available in this TR for 7.3?

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Making a list of journal receivers with the detach date

journal receiver information from api


A SQL View was added to IBM i 7.5 that makes it easier to retireve information about Journal Receiver. Before using what is described below check my post about getting Journal Receiver information with SQL.



I wanted to write a program that would delete old journal receivers, ones detached from the journal and more than a certain number of days old (to be determined later). I can see the detach date when I use the Display Journal Receiver Attributes command, DSPJRNRCVA, but I can only do this for one receiver at a time, and the command only allows for display or print. Looking at my chart of SQL Views and Table functions I found that is not one for Journal Receivers. Alas, this leaves me having to use an API to get to this information.

The information I desire is:

  • Journal name and library
  • Journal receiver name and library
  • Attach date (timestamp) of the receiver
  • Detach date (timestamp) for the receiver

There is an API that will return to me the information. It comes with the long name: QjoRtvJrnReceiverInformation. Before I go into the example of using this API let me get started with how I made a list of all the receivers in a library. Here I can use a SQL Table function, OBJECT_STATISTICS. I use the following statement to display a list of all the receivers in a library.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

New version 7.5 announced

ibmi 7.5 and 7.4 tr6

Most of us knew it was coming, so there is no surprise that a new release for IBM i has been announced. The new release, 7.5, accompanies a Technology Refresh update for version 7.4 TR6. As only two versions of the IBM i are supported with TRs it does also mean the end of TRs for version 7.3. If you are using a partition with 7.3, and you can upgrade, this should be the time to consider doing so to at least 7.4.

IBM i 7.5 will only run on Power 9 and 10 servers.

Many of the new features of 7.5 will not be supported by 7.4 TR6. I will make note here of which are additions or changes that apply to 7.5 only.