Monday, January 23, 2017

Steve Will: IBM i future 2017 update

2017 update on future of ibmi

I get many people asking me about the future of IBM i, therefore, when Steve Will, IBM i's chief architect, publishes a blog with an update about our beloved platform I feel compelled to share it.

His blog starts off with this same question:

One of the most common questions people ask me is "What's the future for IBM i?"

He continues and layouts IBM's vision of the future, reiterating the strides that have been made in the capabilities of this operating system.

… we'll deliver so many capabilities in the next five years, it would be impossible to list them all--and that's not really what the person asking the question is looking for. They are looking for themes. And that's good, because our plans are confidential, so I can't give out that list, anyway. But I can, and do, share our themes.

For those with doubts about the future he does give a very reassuring view:

Just remember that you are on a platform that has been delivering valuable new business capabilities for many, many years. We here at IBM understand that you want to feel comfortable that this will continue for a long time, that the stability you've come to expect from IBM i will be there for you.

Read Steve's post here. The next time a naysayer tells you: "The AS400 has no future and is dead" (naysayers never get the name right), send them the link to the post.


  1. Thanks for reassurance

  2. The only thing left is to give this OS a Native GUI.

  3. That is good to know. People simply call it old technology and think its going to die soon.

  4. The good thing about IBM is that everything is scalable for something an RPG II program of a System 3 with 96-column cards and multi-function readers (1967) runs on an IBM I without problems, (without the cards) we see in the future very Promising


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