Thursday, August 17, 2023

ACS released

Update December 11, 2023: New version is currently available for download here

A new release of IBM's Access Client Solutions, ACS, was released yesterday.

I have tried the "Check for Update" link to see if it acknowledges the new release, it does not. ACS never alerted us that there was a new release, and I would not wait for ACS to do so.

Get the new version's install zip file from IBM using:

Don't worry if you don't have an IBMid, you can create one in a couple of minutes.

Confirm your agreement with IBM's license.

You will then be presented with the "IBM i Access Client Solutions" page. The download for ACS's latest version is the first download.

Click on image to see a larger version

Click on the Download action. The file will be downloaded onto your computer.

Before I unzip the downloaded file I open it, find the "QuickStartGuide.html" file, and open it. If English is not your choice of language go into the "Documentation" subfolder and you will find many versions of the Quick Start Guide in other languages.

With the instructions in hand I unzip the file, and perform the installation instructions described in the Quick Start Guide.

When the install has completed I can check using  Help > About  to see if the release update has been successful.

You will find what has been added and changed in this release on IBM's ACS page here.


  1. Is there already a PTF to update the image on IBM i itself ?

    1. Use the link I gave at the start of the post and login to IBM's ACS site.
      Then open the "Getting Started" document everything should be in there.

  2. My has been telling me for several days each time I start iACS that is available so the update notification is working in my case. Windows 64 bit all users installation.

    1. I just tried on all my devices again. Still nothing for me.

    2. I believe that all versions prior to (or so) no longer work when checking for updates because of changes to IBM's download repos / protocols. fixes this - I was informed a few days ago that an update was available.


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