Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Extra columns in a Select statement but not in the group by

I struggled with the title of this post to make it something that explains the content, without it being too long. I am not limited for length in the body of this post so I can explain in more detail my scenario: I want to have columns that are listed in my results for a Select statement that are not in the GROUP BY clause.

This is something that has been made easier with a new Scalar function added in the latest round of Technology Refreshes. First let me give you examples of my scenario.

What I am going to do is to take use my PERSON DDL Table and make a count of the places of birth of the people. As these are people from the British Isles, I will also include the columns for the county and the country (England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales) from a second Table, TOWN.

Monday, September 2, 2024

September's presentations

This month I have two events I am involved with.

The September meeting of the Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG, is on Tuesday September 10 starting at 6:30 PM (CT). The guest speaker is Jasmine Kaczmarek who will be sharing "IBM i Manager's Survival Guide: Ransomware, Retirement Cliffs and more". Which is something I think we all need to be aware of, not just those of us who are managers.

You can register at the CTXiUG website here.

On Monday September 23 and Tuesday September 24 I will be attending and presenting at Common Sweden's annual conference. You can learn more about, and register, for the conference here.

I hope to see you there. And if you are attending and you see me, please introduce yourself and say "HallÄ".