Wednesday, April 24, 2019

More about IBM i version 7.4 and 7.3 TR6

more new features in ibm i 7.4

After all of yesterday’s excitement with the announcement of a new release of IBM i 7.4, and a Technology Refresh for 7.3 TR6, I have had a chance to review the documentation and these are the things that caught my eye:

The links below are to the relevant pages in the KnowledgeCenter.

SQL: New

ASP_JOB_INFO view Returns information about active jobs that are using an independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP) 7.4 7.3 TR6
DATA_AREA_INFO view Returns the values of data areas 7.4 7.3 TR6
DATA_AREA_INFO table function Returns a row for the specified data area, including a data area in QTEMP or the *LDA, *PDA, or *GDA data areas 7.4 7.3 TR6
FIRMWARE_CURRENCY view Implements a live comparison of the firmware fix level installed on the partition against the level available through a feed from the Fix Level Recommendation Tool (FLRT) 7.4 7.3 TR6
MESSAGE_FILE_DATA view Returns one row for each message in a message file 7.4 7.3 TR6
SPLIT table function Returns a result table that contains one row for each substring of input-list that is separated by delimiter 7.4 7.3 TR6
SPOOLED_FILE_DATA table function Returns the content of a spooled file 7.4 7.3 TR6
HTTP functions overview The HTTP functions in SYSTOOLS are used to make HTTP requests to publish or consume web services. These functions allow the SQL programmer to use Representational State Transfer (RESTful) via SQL, including Embedded SQL 7.4 7.3 TR6

SQL: Changed

ASP_INFO view 7.4 7.3 TR6
GET_JOB_INFO table function 7.4 7.3 TR6
PARSE_STATEMENT table function 7.4 7.3 TR6


RPG: New

Varying dimension arrays 7.4 N/A developerWorks
SAMEPOS (data structure) 7.4 7.3 TR6 developerWorks
Progam status data structure new fields 7.4 7.3 TR6 developerWorks


I cannot wait to get these installed on the IBM i I get to "play" on.


More links

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