Tuesday, June 10, 2014

RPGPGM.COM’s first birthday

1st anniversary

Today is the first anniversary of this blog. It has been a labor of love writing about what I consider to be the best sever, Power System, and operating system, IBM i, for business. And yes I am proud to be biased, as I have worked with the AS400 - IBM i and its predecessors for over 28 years.

This blog started simply, but thanks to you the number of readers has grown by leaps and bounds. You have visited from 151 countries, on all continents.

map of the world The darker the color the more visitors from that country.

It has been an exciting 12 months in the IBM i world with the launch of what I call the "all free" RPGLE, the Power8 servers, and release 7.2. I have talked about a lot of this and other things that I thought would be interesting to you.

I am extremely grateful to all of you who have contacted me and commented on the posts with alternatives, enhancements, and corrections. Yes I am human, I do make mistakes, and I am first to admit I do not know everything (don't tell my wife I said that). The only down side has been the volume of spam comments. If your comment does not appear in a timely manner please be patient as I often get 60+ comments a day, alas 99.9% of those are spam. At times I accidentally delete a valid comment or have not worked my way through the forest of spam to find your gem of a comment.

What would I like to see happen to this blog in the next year? More feedback from you. More comments from you on the posts. More ideas and suggestions from you. Use the Contact form, on the right of all posts and pages, to send me your suggestions and ideas. Without them I will eventually run out of things to talk about.


To prevent "comment spam" all comments are moderated.
Learn about this website's comments policy here.

Some people have reported that they cannot post a comment using certain computers and browsers. If this is you feel free to use the Contact Form to send me the comment and I will post it for you, please include the title of the post so I know which one to post the comment to.