Tuesday, October 11, 2016

IBM i 7.3 TR 1 and 7.2 TR5 announced

IBM i 7.3 TR1 and IBM i 7.2 TR5 announced

(Updated Tuesday October 11 at 6:00 AM)

Technical Updates for IBM i 7.3, TR1, and 7.2, TR5, have just been announced on IBM’s developerWorks and Software announcement web sites.

There is lots of additions and enhancement to SQL, including a new JSON_TABLE table function that is causing quite a buzz on social media.

Even RPG has a new addition, the operation code ON-EXIT. This will force a section of code to run when something unexpected happen. There is no easy link to find it in the Software announcement pages, you will have to use your browser’s search function and search for "ON-EXIT".

Both of the updates will be available on Friday November 11, 2016.

You can learn more from these links:

Blog posts by IBM folks:

As more information is released I will keep you updated.

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