Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Using values in an array for the SQL Where clause

It was a good question to ask: "Is there a way to use an array in the Where clause of a SQL Select statement?"

I am disappointed that it is not possible to use an array in that manner:

01  exec sql SELECT * FROM PERSON                   
02           WHERE LAST_NAME IN (:MyArray) ;

This code will not pass the SQL precompile. It gives the following error message in the precompile listing:

SQL0312  30      13  Position 32 Variable MYARRAY not defined or not usable
                     for reason code 2.

When I look up that message I see that arrays are not allowed:

Message ID . . . . . . . . . :   SQL0312
Message file . . . . . . . . :   QSQLMSG
  Library  . . . . . . . . . :     QSYS

Message . . . . :   Variable &1 not defined or not usable for reason code &2.
Cause . . . . . :   The variable &1 appears in the SQL statement, but is not
  usable for reason code &2:

    2 -- The variable is a dimensioned array.

So what are my alternatives. I could think of two. The first involves writing the contents of the array to a file or table, and then using a statement with a subselect in the Where clause like this:

01    exec sql DECLARE C0 CURSOR FOR
02               SELECT * FROM PERSON
04                  FOR READ ONLY ;

I decided on a simpler approach by creating a SQL statement in a variable and then use the Prepare statement. I decided that this approach made the most sense in the scenario I had. The full program for this method is:

01  **free
02  ctl-opt option(*srcstmt) ;

03  dcl-s MyArray varchar(30) dim(*auto : 9999) ;

04  dcl-ds Data extname('PERSON') qualified dim(*auto : 9999) ;
05  end-ds ;

06  dcl-s Rows int(5) inz(%elem(Data : *max)) ;
07  dcl-s Separator char(3) inz(''',''') ;
08  dcl-s String varchar(2048) ;

09  exec sql SET OPTION DATFMT = *ISO ;

10  MyArray = %list('ALLEN' : 'BOND' : 'MELLOR') ;

12           %concatarr(Separator : MyArray) +
13           ''') FOR READ ONLY' ;

14  exec sql PREPARE S0 FROM :String ;

15  exec sql DECLARE C0 CURSOR FOR S0 ;

16  exec sql OPEN C0 ;

17  exec sql FETCH C0 FOR :Rows INTO :Data ;

18  exec sql CLOSE C0 ;

19  dsply ('No. of rows in Data = ' + %char(%elem(Data))) ;

20  *inlr = *on ;

Line 1: In the 2020s all code should be totally free RPG.

Line 2: My favorite control option makes it easy to find where the program errors.

Line 3: Definition for my array, unsurprisingly called MyArray. The *AUTO denotes that is an auto-extending array, up to 9,999 elements.

Lines 4 and 5: Definition of the Data Structure array that will contain the results when the data is Fetched from the Cursor.

Line 6: Definition of a variable to contain the maximum number of elements that the Data Structure array has.

Line 7: I have defined this variable to contain the characters needed to place '','' between each array element.

Line 8: This will contain the Select statement that will be used to define the Cursor.

Line 9: I have a date column in the Table I have found that if I do not set the Set option statement to set the date format the program will not compile.

Line 10: I am loading my array with these last names using the %LIST built in function, BiF.

Lines 11 – 13: This is where I concatenate my SQL statement together.

Line 11: The start of the SQL statement.

Line 12: The Concatenation Array Bif, %CONCATARR, makes this so easy. The first parameter is the separator characters I want to use. I got so confused with trying to work out the right number of apostrophes ( ' ) I created and used this variable instead. The second parameter is the array. As this is an auto-extending array I don't have to worry about it concatenating unused array elements into the string.

Line 13: Is the last part of the SQL statement.

Line 14: The Prepare statement takes the RPG variable String and converts it into something that SQL can use, S0.

Line 15: I now can declare the cursor using S0.

Line 16: Open the cursor.

Line 17: Fetch up to 9,999 rows into the Data Structure array. I know I will only return three results.

Line 18: Close the cursor.

Line 19: Display the number of array elements, rows of data, that were fetched from the cursor.

After compiling the program I place a breakpoint at line 14 so I can check that the SQL statement that has been built using the %CONCATARR is what I expect. When the program is run it stops at line 14 and I can check the contents of the variable String:

> EVAL String                                                             
  STRING =                                                                
      61   ') FOR READ ONLY                                             ' 
     121   '                                                            '

This looks good to me. Pressed F12 to continue. At the end of the program the following was displayed:

DSPLY  No. of rows in Data = 3

This is correct as there are only three people with those last names.

As I said I cannot use an array in the Where clause, but I have shown how simple it is to convert the contents of the array into a string that I can then use.


This article was written for IBM i 7.5, and should work for some earlier releases too.


  1. I have used the following method in several programs, when I have an array of 10 entries or less.

    dcl-ds *n;
    MyArray char(10) dim(5) ;
    e1 char(10) pos(1);
    e2 char(10) pos(11);
    e3 char(10) pos(21);
    e4 char(10) pos(31);
    e5 char(10) pos(41);
    end-ds ;

    MyArray = %list('ALLEN' : 'BOND' : 'MELLOR': ' ' : ' ') ;

    Exec SQL SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE LNAME IN (:e1, :e2, :e3, :e4, :e5)

  2. There is another way. SYSTOOLS.SPLIT() is an SQL table function that takes a single string, and splits it by a delimiter character into row data.
    You can use %CONCATARR to create a CSV from your array, pass that to SPLIT(), then inner join to the PERSON table.

    listOfNames = %CONCATARR(',':myArray);


    You still can't use the array directly, but at least you don't have to build your SQL statement as a string. This works in 7.4 and 7.5

  3. In my tests, the SQL demonstrator shows a CPU time of 764ms for SYSTOOLS.SPLIT. But if you replace JOIN with WHERE P.LNAME IN (SELECT ELEMENT FROM TABLE(SYSTOOLS.SPLIT(:LISTOFNAMES,','))) then the CPU time for this function immediately becomes 2ms


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