Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Happy 7th birthday RPGPGM.COM

Another year has passed and this blog has reached its seventh anniversary. We are living in interesting times with IBM i, and over the years I have been fortunate to write about many things, that in my opinion, have made significant improvements to programming with this operating system. As well as a whole lot of cool additions to Db2 for i (SQL). I have learn a lot from what I have written about, and I am sure that I write better code than I use to.

The past year has been an exciting time, not only for this blog but for me too. I would include the following as my personal high points, in no particular order:

  • Achieving IBM's "IBM Community Member Contributor Level 1" badge.
    ibm i community contributor award
  • Presented at OCEAN's TechCon 2019.
  • Recorded a video that was shown at this year's COMMON Insight "virtual conference".
  • Reached, and passed, the 600 posts milestone.

Each year I like to pick my favorite posts from the past 12 months. My picks this time are:

I want to thank all you, the readers of this blog. Without you there would be no point in me spending my time writing all of this.

A special thank you to all of you who have sent me feedback and encouragement. This has kept me inspired to keep writing.

I have to give thanks to the folks at RZKH. Their generosity of giving me space on their IBM i partitions, and keeping them up to date, allows me to be able to research, play, and create the code I use for blog posts. A big vielen Dank to all of them.

Here's to another year of RPGPGM.COM! We will have to see all the interesting things the next year will bring.


  1. Congrats! Love the site, please keep up the great work!

  2. Congratulations Simon, appreciate all your efforts, visit site daily, thanks Chris Hayden

  3. Wish you many more happy birthdays!!!

  4. Happy Birthday. Keep on with the great job you'r doing. Thanks

  5. Satyanarayana RavulaJune 10, 2020 at 10:19 AM


  6. Congratulations Sir Many more years to come

  7. Tibor Tanits BoldogJune 10, 2020 at 10:23 AM

    Születésnapot Kívánok!

  8. Congratulations!

  9. Happy Birthday! Keep on doing the great work

  10. Happy birthday to RPGPGM.COM. & thank you Dear Simon for this wonderful website !

  11. Happy birthday

  12. Happy Birthday. Thank you for the great work!

  13. Congratulations! Great articles! I am always waiting in anticipation for each new article and hope to get them for many years to come.

  14. Sergio Luis Puentes-ValladaresJune 10, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    Thank you, For all have published and helped in 7 years, Happy Birthday

  15. Gracias por sus aportes y publicaciones

  16. Many more happy years comes.

  17. Happy Birthday

  18. Christian JørgensenJune 10, 2020 at 2:33 PM

    Congratulations - keep up the good work!

  19. Congrats Simon!

  20. Sandeep KhandelwalJune 10, 2020 at 10:36 PM


  21. Congratulations... Thanks for the great information, pls keep continuing... Wish you many more happy (info) returns...

  22. Vijay Devendra DolzakeJune 11, 2020 at 12:12 AM


  23. Congratulations. Excellent site.

  24. Congratulations - keep up the good work!

  25. Congrats, great job! Thx!

  26. Happy Birthday to RPGPGM.COM ! An excellent resource to the IBM i community.

  27. Muchas Felicidades !!!
    Por 70 años mas!!! ;);)

  28. Happy birthday Simon! Always offering great info and how-to guides!


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